Effective Groupon campaign for restaurants

Group buying campaigns are all about yield utilisation, making the restaurant look busy, and capturing new customers who you can convert into new customers.  Marketing4Restaurants online booking widget, “Book A Table” has a range of features designed specifically to allow you to control your group buying and daily deals campaigns.

  1.  Keep your campaign secret.  I have seen people walk past a restaurant, found out that they had a deal online, use their phone to purchase the deal and then go in.  This is converting a full paying customer into a discount one and as news spreads about how you are offering discounts, people will be less likely to pay full price.  Well publicised group deals can severely hurt your brand.  With Book A Table, you can have a hidden landing page for your campaigns.  Make a condition of redeeming the coupon that it needs to be done online, at a special URL, such as myrestaurant.com/groupon.  This landing page does not need to have a link on your main website.  It is completely separate and therefore other visitors to your website will not know that you are running a campaign.
  2. Drive the traffic to when you want it.  Revenue per available seat hour is the amount of money you make in an hour divided by the number of seats that you have.  On a Friday and Saturday night.  The place should fill early and be busy until late with full fee paying customers.  Book A Table allows you to specify the sessions and days that you want to take discount customers on, ensuring that you have tables available for your full price paying customers.
  3. Limit the number of people per session.  The last thing you want is a 50 seat restaurant full of discount customers.  You will never make money on a night like that, and as people walk by, seeing everyone packed in on a Wednesday night, they are wondering what is so great about your restaurant (Excellent!), but sad because there are no tables free.  Book A Table allows you to limit the number of seats that are available for discount customers.  This means that you can set the number of customers and always have some tables available for full paying walk ins.  This number can be changed as bookings change.

There are two other reasons to use Book A Table to manage coupon campaigns.  Firstly, you don’t need to worry about people calling in all the time to make bookings, freeing up your staff to do the most important thing, which is provide a great experience for your customers and also when they register, they need to leave their email address.  This means that you then have some contact details so that you can contact them in the future.  They have already eaten in your restaurant.  They know how good the food is, a quick email will have a much better chance of reminding them and getting them to come in for another meal.

Getting new customers is one thing, but the real magic is turning a new customer into a repeat customer.  Book A Table makes that process quick and simple for you.

Is Poor SEO Killing Your Restaurant?

Too many times we see customers with websites that are costing restaurants thousands of dollars every month through poor design, poor messaging and poor SEO. If your website could be improved to bring in 200 extra visits per month and just 10% of those made a booking, and each booking was for 2.5 seats on average at $50 a seat, you would have an extra $2,500 in revenue a month. A 30% food cost, that is $1,750 in profit extra a month. This ignores those customers coming back as regulars – which is more profit.

Remember, if these customers aren’t finding your Restaurant, they are finding your competitors.

Get one of our obligation free 7 point website SEO audits to see what you can get your web developer to fix to increase your revenue today.